The impact of dynamic capacity on the performance of small and medium tourism enterprises in the South Central Coast
Dynamic Capability,, Innovativeness,, Entrepreneurial Orientation,, Business Performance,, Tourism SMEs.Abstract
The competitiveness of businesses depends on the resources and capabilities that businesses possess, develop, and exploit, including dynamic capabilities (DYC). In turn, competitiveness positively affects the business performance (BPF). The research objective of the study is to determine and measure the impact of DYC on BPF and the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation (ENO) as well as innovation (INN) in the relationship between DYC and BPF. The Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) is used. The research sample with 405 observations was collected using the non-probability method. The respondents were tourism business managers. The research results show that DYC directly and indirectly impacts the performance of small and medium-sized (SMS) tourism enterprises in the South Central Coast of Vietnam through ENO and INN.
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